"Public Health Journal" is a peer-reviewed scientific journal which publishes the latest research in healthcare (field of study: public health, medicine, physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychophysical therapy, etc.).

Founder: The National University of Ostroh Academy.

Est.: 2022.

Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 1560 as of 09.05.2024

Frequency: bi-annually.

ISSN 2786-7307 (Online)

ISSN 2786-7293 (Print)

Professional registration (category «B»): Decree of MES No. 1166 (Annex 3) dated December 23, 2022.

Specialities: I7 "Therapy and Rehabilitation (with specializations)", I9 "Public Health".

Languages: Ukrainian, English, German, French, Italian, Polish, Lithuanian.

Members of the editorial board are prominent scientists and specialists from different regions of Ukraine and abroad (Slovakia, USA, Republic of Poland).


• modern health care problems at the global and national level;
• strategic and operative goals, development trends in national public health systems; implementation of the nationwide principle “Health in All Policies”;
• statutory support of the public health sector;
• HR policy, educational environment, continuous professional development;
• leadership, strategic and program management in the public health sector;
• monitoring determinants (factors of human living environment) and human health risk assessment;
• biosafety, public health emergency response;
• epidemiology of infectious and non-infectious diseases and their prevention;
• protection of motherhood and childhood;
• mental health, palliative and hospice care, psychophysical rehabilitation, diagnosis and psychotherapy of psychosomatic patients;
• health promotion, public health communication management.

Target audience: research and academic staff, postgraduate and postdoctoral students, trainees, practitioners, managers, doctors, educators, students, and others, who express academic and professional interests in public health.

Current Issue

No. 2 (2024): Public Health Journal

Public Health Journal. 2024. № 2. 128 p.
Founder: The National University of Ostroh Academy
Recommended for printing: 19.12.2024

Published: 2024-12-27


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