


medial collateral ligament, Stener-like lesion, knee injuries, surgical treatment, orthopedics


Topicality. The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is the main stabilizer of the knee joint against rotational movements and valgus forces; in addition, it is the most common ligament that is damaged during a knee injury. The frequency of their development is 40% of all knee ligament injuries. Combined injuries to the medial collateral ligament and anterior cruciate ligament account for 22 to 44%. Most patients with MCL injuries of varying degrees of severity can return to preinjury activity levels with nonsurgical management. However, the analysis of literature data showed that operative treatment of MCL injuries can be prescribed for certain groups of patients, especially in case of Stener-like lesion. The goal of the work: to assess the possibilities of surgical treatment of MCL injuries by analyzing the data of modern studies and the experience of treating this type of injury. As well as citing one's own clinical case as an example of treatment. Research results. Current data on knee anatomy, classification, and treatment of MCL injury are described. As an example, an own clinical case of operative treatment of damage to the medial collateral ligament of the knee according to Stener's type is given. Conclusions. Given the fact that not all grade III MCL injuries are similar to Stener's injuries, timely diagnosis is important in such patients. Timely surgical treatment is recommended to achieve rapid anatomical healing and prevent long-term valgus instability, chronic pain, and osteoarthritis. Healing of the MCL must be achieved prior to ACL surgery.


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