


sport, injury, kinesiotaping, athletes


Topicality. It is well known that engaging in physical exercise and sports is closely associated with the occurrence of high levels of injury due to fatigue, overexertion, or overload of the human musculoskeletal system. Each type of sport is characterized by specific injuries. According to most researchers, sports games are considered the most traumatic in terms of musculoskeletal damage. The multitude of treatment methods for injuries, often insufficiently effective, encourages the search for ways to prevent injuries. The article explores authors’ views on the effective use of kinesiotaping method for preventing lower limb injuries in professional basketball players. It elucidates the essence of the concept of “kinesiotape” as an elastic adhesive tape made of 100% cotton and featuring a hypoallergenic adhesive layer on an acrylic base. The concept of “kinesiotaping in sports” is also highlighted as a method applied for the treatment and prevention of sports injuries. The authors identified the feasibility of using sports kinesiotaping to reduce the risk of injuries. The most injury-prone parts of athletes’ bodies recommended for applying kinesiotape for sports injury prevention are also discussed. Additionally, the process of applying elastic tape to the lower limbs of professional athletes is described. The goal of the work – analyzing literature sources that explore the application of kinesiotaping during training and competitions to prevent lower limb sports injuries in professional basketball players. Materials and Methods. Analysis of authors’ scientific perspectives on the effective application of kinesiotaping method for preventing injuries in professional basketball players. Research results. In sports, there is an increase in injuries associated with high physical loads, competition for impressive results, and the desire to enhance attractiveness for sports teams, among other factors. Preventing sports injuries and avoiding the development of overstrain in the training process are of great importance, which is also related to a significant increase in the volume and intensity of physical loads during the competition preparation period. Despite the wide range of treatment methods for sports injuries, their low effectiveness necessitates the search for injury prevention measures. A system of measures is implemented for the prevention of sports injuries, including correct training techniques, ensuring appropriate conditions for training venues, clothing, equipment, footwear, the use of protective gear, regular medical monitoring, adherence to hygiene requirements, the use of kinesiotapes and braces, educational activities, and so on. Kinesiotaping is gaining popularity among basketball players because it not only has a therapeutic effect but also alleviates pain syndrome, reduces swelling, and positively affects blood circulation in the area where the kinesiotape is applied. Kinesiotaping is considered safe and reliable for preventing and treating various sports injuries in basketball. Conclusions. Analyzing the above, we can conclude that kinesiotaping is a modern new method for preventing lower limb injuries during training and competitive processes in basketball players. Kinesiotaping in sports is an effective method not only for preventing injury but also for reducing pain and supporting optimal movement control. It can contribute to rapid recovery after injuries, improvement of stability, and maintenance of correct body posture, which is particularly important during sports activities. The use of these methods helps maintain muscle and joint health, reduces the risk of injuries, and ensures proper biomechanics of movement; reduces muscle and joint pain by applying stretching pressure to specific points; improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.


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