


public health, marketing strategies, performance monitoring and evaluation, health promotion


Objective – to evaluate the possibilities and prospects of adapting methods and techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of business marketing strategies in systems for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of information and communication campaigns in the field of public health Materials and methods. The results of the study and practical application of various tools for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing strategies and advertising campaigns that are widely used in the business sector were used The bibliosemantic research method, the method of logical-structural and content analysis were applied. The study is based on a systematic approach. Results. The analysis of basic approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in business is presented and the possibilities of adapting individual components for use in the system of quality assessment of information and communication campaigns in the field of public health are assessed. The priority of the communication component of effectiveness evaluation is determined and variants of common methods and techniques for evaluation at different stages of the implementation of an advertising campaign are presented with an emphasis on the possibility of application in the field of public health. Conclusions. There is a great potential of the methods developed by the business sector for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing strategies for use in the field of public health and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. The prospects of using these methods in the field of public health will allow not only to effectively evaluate advertising campaigns aimed at maintaining and improving public health, but also to turn strategies into means of influencing the behavior of citizens.


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