


health promotion, educational component, valeology, adolescence, healthy lifestyle, beliefs


Topicality. The urgent problems of the modern education system are the teaching, upbringing and development of the younger generation to build a healthy society and form its health-conscious outlook. Despite the use of various elements of education in teaching and learning to form the basis of a culture of health, students’ mindset still does not meet the need, as evidenced by the spread of bad habits and significant health problems among adolescents. The ineffectiveness of the components of the education system in forming positive beliefs and motivation of students for a healthy lifestyle determines the need for the study of the formation and development of the educational component on health and motivation for a healthy lifestyle in order to further improve it. The goal of the work is to investigate the formation and development of the educational component of health maintenance and motivation for a healthy lifestyle in adolescence based on the analysis of relevant sources. Materials and methods. The bibliosemantic method and the method of system analysis were used, state educational standards, school curricula and scientific literature on the research problem were analysed. Research results. An analysis of domestic research shows that health education components began to be introduced into the educational process before Ukraine gained independence. The disciplines of this area were represented by the integrative course “Basics of Valeology and Medical Knowledge”, the school integrative course “Valeology”, “Basics of Life Safety” and “Basics of Health”. A new integrated course “Health, Safety and Wellbeing” is currently being introduced. However, insufficient attention is paid to the formation of a healthy lifestyle for high school students, students of vocational schools and higher education institutions. The main educational components that should form students’ health behaviour end in the ninth grade. Conclusions. Components aimed at forming knowledge, beliefs and behaviour of young people that will contribute to health preservation have long been included in the educational process, but in different periods of their existence and development they had a number of shortcomings: uneven study of the material with certain gaps in certain classes, lack of information on healthy lifestyles and good habits in high school, lack of mandatory educational components in higher education institutions responsible for developing students’ skills in healthy behaviour.


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