


water bodies, drinking water, infectious diseases, climate, southern Ukraine


Abstract. Topicality. Extreme weather conditions have long been associated with impacts on water quality and associated waterborne diseases. Heavy rainfall and runoff, floods, cyclones, droughts, heat waves, extreme cold, and wildfires can affect catchments, storage tanks, water treatment processes, or distribution systems, with potential impacts on drinking water quality. Drinking water sources can be affected by elevated concentrations of suspended materials, organic matter, nutrients, inorganic matter, and pathogenic microorganisms. Goal. Analysis of the interrelationship and impact of climate changes on the state of water supply and the level of incidence of water-related infections in the population of southern Ukraine. Research methods: bibliometric, analytical. Research results. The use of water balance modeling of water flow made it possible to establish that from 2041 it is possible to stop local surface runoff in low-water years in Kherson, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Zaporizhzhia regions. In 2041–2060 – the period of medium water – it will cover the territories of Kherson, Odesa, Mykolaiv, and Zaporizhia regions, and in 2061–2080, it will be joined by Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Kirovohrad regions, and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. It was established that surface and underground reservoirs and drinking water in the Odesa region, which is one of the most critical in the context of water supply, should be considered as sources of permanent epidemiological risk.An extremely negative trend towards the cessation of scientific research into the relationship between biological contamination of all water bodies and population morbidity was noted. Attention is focused on the inadmissibility of this phenomenon against the background of the consequences of the war for the infrastructure of the water supply industry in combination with climate changes in this region. Conclusions. Rational use of available water resources and their protection from pollution should be considered the main adaptation measures to climate change for the water management of the southern regions (Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia). It is worth starting now to take decisive measures to overcome the unauthorized withdrawal of water resources from surface and underground sources, to encourage low-water technologies in the region.


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