emotional burnout, factors, exhaustion, depersonalization, professional activityAbstract
Abstract. Topicality. The specificity of the profession of a medical worker requires high mental stability, responsibility for the life and health of people, the ability to work in extreme conditions, constant emotional stress. These factors can lead to mental exhaustion, loss of work capacity, and the emergence of emotional burnout syndrome, therefore consideration of the factors that lead to the formation of this phenomenon is relevant. Purpose and task. To study and analyze the peculiarities of the occurrence and manifestation of the syndrome of emotional burnout. Materials and methods. Methods: bibliosemantic and historical. Materials: 140 domestic and foreign literary sources and electronic resources were processed. Research results. Currently, there is no clear understanding of the essence of the "burnout" syndrome, which is characterized as a complex multicomponent phenomenon that includes more than 100 symptoms. Numerous publications are devoted to the risk factors of its occurrence, three groups of variables can be distinguished that have a certain influence on the development of this syndrome in "person-to-person" professions: personal, role, and corporate (professional-organizational). As a result of the analysis of the literature, it should be noted that today several models of its development are distinguished. − a one-factor model that defines emotional burnout as a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. − a two-factor model in which burnout consists of exhaustion and depersonalization. − three-factor model, burnout consists of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduction of personal achievements; − four-factor model, burnout consists of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization of professional activity, depersonalization of subjects of professional activity, reduction of personal achievements. Conclusions. The syndrome of emotional burnout is characterized by a combination of factors in the mental, somatic and social spheres of life. Studies devoted to this problem are presented in the literature quite widely, but today there are no certain clinical-psychological and medical technologies aimed at the prevention of this syndrome.
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