viral hepatitis A, viral hepatitis B, viral hepatitis CAbstract
Topicality. The article highlights the status of research into the problem of the incidence of viral hepatitis A, B, C (HA, HB, HS) and newly detected chronic hepatitis B and C (CHB and CHC) in the Lviv region for 2019–2023, and shows the increase in the risks of HA, HB, HS diseases during the war. The purpose of the work – to analyze the incidence of HA, GV, GS, CHB, CHC in the Lviv region for 2019–2023, to determine the risks and trends of viral hepatitis diseases, including during the Russian military aggression. Materials and methods. The work used analytical techniques of the epidemiological method, descriptive, statistical and graphical methods. A retrospective epidemiological analysis of the structure of diseases of GA, GV, GS, CHB, CHC for 2019–2023 in the Lviv region was conducted. The results. In the Lviv region during the second year of the Russian military aggression there was a sharp increase in the incidence of acute hepatitis B by 1.9 times from 2.19 cases per 100 thousand population (2021) to 4.19 cases per 100 thousand population (2023). In 2023 the incidence of chronic hepatitis B in the region increased to 4.68 cases per 100 thousand population, which was 27.6% higher than the national average. During the period 2019–2023 the incidence of acute hepatitis C in the Lviv region increased from 1.12 cases per 100 thousand population (2019) to 1.2 cases per 100 thousand population (2023). The incidence of chronic hepatitis C in the period 2019–2023 in Lviv region increased by 29.34% from 11.39 cases per 100 thousand population (2019) to 16.12 cases per 100 thousand population (2023). During the second year of Russian military aggression, in 2023, the incidence of HA in Ukraine increased by 4.7 compared to 2022. In Lviv region during 2019–2023, the incidence of HA was lower than the national average. Conclusions. The incidence of HA, GV, GS in the Lviv region remains an urgent problem that requires constant attention from specialized specialists. On the path to eliminating viral hepatitis in the Lviv region and Ukraine, certain successes were noted, which were manifested in the reduction of the incidence of acute and chronic hepatitis B and C, hepatitis A in 2019–2021. However, the Russian military aggression against our country led to an increase in the risks of infection with hepatitis B and C both in the Lviv region and Ukraine, and hepatitis A in Ukraine.
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