combat injury, blast trauma, ICF, physical therapy, military rehabilitation, exoskeletonAbstract
Topicality. Blast trauma is a complex injury that occurs as a result of simultaneous exposure to various damaging factors such as shock waves, gas-flame jets, and fragments of explosive devices. This type of injury is characterized by its severity, specific damage, and unfavorable course. The features of blast trauma have been described. A key aspect in planning rehabilitation measures is the detailed and accurate assessment of the injury, which allows for determining the extent of the damage and potential risks for the patient. Objective. The aim of the to analyze the sources of scientific literature on the history of mine and explosive injury rehabilitation. Materials and Methods. The following methods were employed during the work: historical, comparative, logical, and system-structural analysis, as well as induction and deduction methods, analysis and synthesis, generalization, and a systematic approach to the phenomena being studied. Results of the study. The historical aspects of the mine-explosive injury rehabilitation process are analyzed. It was found that today, a promising direction in the rehabilitation of patients with blast injuries is the extensive use of innovative technologies, including virtual and augmented reality, robotic mechanotherapy, biofeedback, and brain-computer interfaces. The gamification of rehabilitation activities increases their effectiveness. One of the promising methods of rehabilitation for patients with combat spinal cord injuries is robotic mechanotherapy, particularly training in an exoskeleton, which has a positive impact on functional status, the cardiovascular system, and emotional well-being. Conclusions. It was established that modern wars have certain features that significantly affect the nature and variety of injuries in military personnel in combat zones. The rehabilitation of patients with blast injuries should be comprehensive and include both medical and social components. It should be based on a multidisciplinary approach, start at early stages, be individualized, and continuous. If necessary, rehabilitation should include inpatient treatment in specialized departments or centers. It is also important to utilize modern medical advancements, innovative methods, and technologies. This will help achieve maximum rehabilitation effectiveness, reduce the number of patients with persistent functional impairments, prevent psycho-emotional disorders, and promote successful social and professional integration of patients with combat injuries.
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