



questionnaires, health, education, emergencies, students


Topicality. The full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation affected all aspects of the social life of Ukrainian citizens, emphasizing the most socially significant activities and the problems associated with them. From the point of view that the level of availability of medical care is one of the determinants of public health, on the one hand, and the increase in demand for the development of the primary link of medical care in the conditions of military operations throughout the territory of Ukraine, on the other hand, a high level of readiness to provide timely and high-quality premedical assistance to victims is one of the priority tasks today. The development and implementation of training programs for citizens of various specialties in pre-medical care, i.e. the implementation of state policy in this area, should take place on a scientific basis. However, the coverage of issues in the scientific literature on the extremely urgent problem – the organization of modern technological and methodical support for the teaching of pre-medical care – is not sufficient, scientifically based and does not take into account the features of the modern period of social development in Ukraine. Objective. Scientifically substantiate the ways of optimizing the educational process of teaching the organization and providing pre-medical assistance in emergency situations. Materials and methods. The results of research conducted over the course of 3 years using the methods of questionnaires, surveys, time-lapse observation, bibliographic and statistical methods are presented. Results. A positive answer to the question in the questionnaire “Do you realize the importance of your own readiness to provide first aid to the victim?” gave 100% of higher education recipients, in addition, 97.9% of them intend to constantly improve their practical skills in basic life support of the victim. Therefore, it can be asserted about the existence of a reliably high level of positive motivational component before mastering the course in pre-medical care among the applicants. We took into account the students’ theoretical training, namely, the average number of points in the topic using standardized test tasks on the Likar distance learning platform. With the help of a questionnaire, we determine students who are practically ready to provide pre-medical assistance – “5” points of the questionnaire. We use these students by the facilitation method, forming microgroups. After conducting a correlation between the students’ initial level of knowledge and the willingness to provide pre-medical care after the implementation of the experiment, it was established that there is a correlation (R0=0.628 at the level of significance p=0.01). Conclusions. The results of the questionnaire make it possible to organize the educational process taking into account the characteristics of the basic level of each student, to apply the facilitation method, which contributes to both more effective use of study time and the organization of student-centered classes.


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