


children, physical therapy, sanatorium-resort rehabilitation, oncological diseases, remission


Topicality. Physical therapy (PT) is an independent scientific and practical discipline aimed at restoring a reduced level of health by preventing the progression of an existing disease, replacing lost functions and restoring working capacity by means of physical culture using healing natural factors. The most characteristic feature of the FT method is the use of strictly dosed physical exercises aimed at improving and strengthening the patient's entire body. The goal. Summarizing the results of research on the use of FT in the process of sanatorium-resort rehabilitation of children in remission of oncological diseases. Materials and methods. Bibliometric, analytical. Research results. As the analysis of literature data and the results of our own research showed, the most optimal is the use of FT for children in the period of remission of oncological diseases with accompanying non-rheumatic cardiomyopathies, vegetative-vascular dysfunction, asthenoneurotic syndrome, respiratory diseases. In order to facilitate the work of the heart for children with non-rheumatic cardiomyopathies, physical exercises with a rapid decrease in the degree of functional stress of the heart muscle can be used. "Dispersion" of the load on the large muscles of the trunk and limbs consists in alternating the performance of exercises for the arms with exercises for the legs and trunk, not repeating each exercise more than 3-4 times.FT for children in the period of remission of oncological diseases with concomitant autonomic and vascular dysfunction with increased vascular reactivity aims to improve the regulation of the cardiovascular system by performing exercises that contribute to the training of regional hemodynamic reactions. FT for children in the period of remission of oncological diseases with manifestations of asthenoneurotic syndrome involves the use of means of emotional influence, gradual training of various muscle groups "for endurance" under the conditions of dosed use of physical exertion that does not lead to a state of extreme fatigue, extensive use of game elements and hardening in the form of water procedures, air baths. FT for children in the period of remission of oncological diseases with concomitant diseases of the respiratory organs consists in the fact that when performing cyclic exercises it is recommended to coordinate breathing with body movements. At a slow pace, 6-8 movements are made for each breathing cycle: 3-4 for inhalation and 3-4 for exhalation. With fast work, only 2-4 steps can be taken during one breathing cycle. Conclusion. The use of FT in the process of sanatorium-resort rehabilitation of children in remission of oncological diseases, especially in children with non-rheumatic cardiomyopathies, with vegetative-vascular dysfunction syndrome, with asthenoneurotic syndrome, with diseases of the respiratory organs, should be considered fully justified.


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