


temporomandibular syndrome, relaxation techniques, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation technique, breathing exercises


Abstract. Topicality. In today’s stressful society, temporomandibular syndrome (TMS), which causes jaw pain and other symptoms, is becoming more common. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and progressive muscle relaxation are important for reducing muscle tone and stress, and can improve patients’ quality of life and reduce TMJ symptoms. Research into these techniques may contribute to the development of comprehensive approaches to the treatment of this syndrome. The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga, and progressive muscle relaxation, to reduce the symptoms of temporomandibular syndrome. Materials and methods. The study, designed as a controlled experiment, evaluated the effects of relaxation techniques on temporomandibular syndrome symptoms in 55 subjects, measuring pain intensity via a visual analogue scale (VAS) and jaw function via the Jaw Function Index (JFI). Electromyography (EMG) was used to analyze muscle activity, and changes in stress levels were assessed using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). The emotional state of the participants was studied using the Positive and Negative Affectivity Scale (PANAS). Participants regularly practiced meditation, yoga and progressive muscle relaxation for three months, with psychological assessments at the beginning and end of the study. Research results. The study showed that relaxation techniques reduced the intensity of pain by 57% (from 7 to 3 points according to the VAS), the functional state of the jaw improved by 50% (from 60% to 30% according to the JFI), muscle tension was reduced by 40% (from 0.75 mV to 0.45 mV), the stress level decreased by 50% (from 70 to 35 points according to PSS), and the emotional state improved by 87.5% (from 40 to 75 points according to PANAS). Conclusions. So, the conducted study confirmed the effectiveness of relaxation techniques in the treatment of temporomandibular syndrome (TMS) symptoms. The use of such methods as meditation, yoga and progressive muscle relaxation made it possible to significantly reduce the intensity of pain, improve the functional condition of the jaw, and reduce muscle tension among the participants of the experiment. These results not only emphasize the potential of relaxation techniques as an effective tool in the context of comprehensive treatment of TMJ, but also indicate a significant positive effect of these techniques on the general psychological well-being of patients.


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