



people who use narcotic drugs by injection, drug addiction


The article systematizes and describes the results of the conducted research on the causes and factors of the initiation of drug use by injection on the basis of the Volyn branch of the Rivne Regional Charitable Foundation «Our Future». The main goal of this study is to analyze the causes of drug addiction diseases in the city of Lutsk, Volyn region in order to prevent these diseases and reduce the spread of viral hepatitis B and C, HIV infection, and tuberculosis by conducting preventive work among people who use drugs by injection. Actuality. Non-medical use of narcotic substances is harmful to human health, which leads to drug addiction diseases, the fight against which is a global problem. Drug use usually begins in adolescence. Drug abuse factors include a variety of protective and risk factors. Thus, conducting an empirical study aims to determine the factors, causes and factors of starting the use of narcotic drugs by injection. The purpose of the work is to analyze and determine the reasons and factors for the initiation of injecting drug use in the city of Lutsk, Volyn region. Materials and methods. Analytical methods of the epidemiological method, descriptive, statistical and graphic methods were used in the work. An empirical study was conducted to determine the factors, causes and factors of the initiation of injecting drug use among the recipients of preventive services of the Volyn branch of the Rivne Regional Charitable Foundation «Our Future». Research results. Based on the conducted empirical research, we state that there are clear implications for our understanding of the pathogenesis and prevention of drug use in early adulthood. It explains that before the use of narcotic drugs, there are clear reasons and social factors for the abuse of psychoactive substances. Conclusions. It was established that the majority of respondents noted that the main motives for starting to use drugs were acute feelings of unhappiness, dissatisfaction, depression, anxiety, boredom, a sense of self-doubt, as well as a lack of sufficient love and support from family and friends. It can be argued that before the first use of drugs, the respondents already had friends and peers who tried narcotic substances. It is also worth noting that people without a permanent place of residence have many friends and actively interact with their environment. Interviewed young people who used narcotic drugs by injection noted that in the city of Lutsk, Volyn region, they can quite easily purchase narcotic drugs for non-medical injections.


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