
  • V. O. Melnychuk
  • U. A. Roman
  • Zikuan Li
  • V. P. Biruk



physical therapy, autonomic dysfunction, scoliosis, adolescents


The aim to evaluate the impact of physical therapy on the physical condition of adolescents with autonomic dysfunction and scoliosis. Materials and methods. 22 adolescents, 12 adolescents with autonomic dysfunction and scoliosis and 10 healthy adolescents were examined. Anthropometric survey was conducted in a certain order: front, back and side. Functional studies of muscle skeletal system have determined the mobility of the spine, the strength and endurance of the muscles of the back and abdomen to static loads. The study of the central department of autonomic nervous regulation was performed according to the Vegetative Kerdo Index and the Hildebrant Respiratory Ratio. The SAN questionnaire was used to study self-control and self-assessment. Statistical processing was performed in the MedStat program. The main means of the physical therapy program were physical exercise on Evminov’s prophylaxis and massage. Exercise were held three times a week for 6 months. Results. The application of the proposed rehabilitation interventions for boys with scoliosis allowed to achieve improvement in 58,3% of adolescents, stabilization of the process in 33,3%. Efficacy was not observed in 8,3% of adolescents. There is a positive effect of physical therapy on the mobility of the spine and the state of the torso muscles, increasing the number of people with normotony and reducing the prevalence of sympathetic and parasympathetic reactions, improving psycho-emotional state, cerebral hemodynamic intensity and cerebral vascular tone in this group. Conclusions. Using of the proposed elements of the physical therapy program for autonomic dysfunction and scoliosis in adolescent boys has improved the intensity of cerebral hemodynamic and cerebral vascular tone.


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