


physical therapy, individual rehabilitation plan, rehabilitation examination, individual rehabilitation program, condition monitoring, physical therapist, patient


Topicality. The main aspects of an individualized rehabilitation plan in physical therapy are an extremely relevant issue in the healthcare system. This approach takes into account the needs and capabilities of each patient, providing optimal conditions for achieving maximum results in the process of physical therapy and their return to active life. The goal of the work is to thoroughly study and analyze the main aspects of an individual rehabilitation plan in physical therapy. Materials and methods. To achieve the goals, we analyzed the literature, systematized the data obtained in the process of processing the results of the study in modern scientific and methodological literature. Research results. The results of the study indicate that in the work of a physical therapist, an individual rehabilitation plan is the basis for organizing and conducting an effective process of restoring patients’ functionality. This plan carefully takes into account all aspects of health, physical condition and individual needs of each person, which allows to create a personalized approach and coordinate actions to achieve maximum results in the recovery process. After the analysis of the literature, it can be argued that in the context of planning an individual rehabilitation plan in physical therapy, a systematic approach plays an important role, which determines the consideration of all aspects and components that form a single structure and affect the success of the rehabilitation process. The main components of an individual rehabilitation plan include the following stages: comprehensive rehabilitation examination, assessment, formulation of a rehabilitation diagnosis, determination of rehabilitation potential, determination of a rehabilitation prognosis, planning (goal setting, development of an individual rehabilitation program, selection of appropriate physical therapy means), intervention. Despite the large number of studies in this area, the content of this problem is interpreted differently, so there is a need for further research and discussion to improve approaches to understanding and addressing these issues. The scientific article is devoted to a review of current research on the main aspects of an individual rehabilitation plan in physical therapy. The stages of forming an individual rehabilitation plan are defined. The main components of the rehabilitation examination are highlighted. The features of assessment, rehabilitation diagnosis, potential and prognosis are considered. The stages of planning, goal setting, development of an individual rehabilitation program, and direct program implementation are analyzed. The importance of monitoring the patient’s condition is studied. Understanding and observing these aspects are important to ensure a successful rehabilitation process and improve the quality of life of patients in physical therapy. Conclusions. The analysis of scientific and methodological literature confirms the importance of an individual rehabilitation plan in the work of a physical therapist. The analysis of studies shows that the consistent implementation of targeted stages that form a single structure of an individual rehabilitation plan contribute to the achievement of the overall goal of the physical therapy system and affect the success of the rehabilitation process.


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