


waste, medical waste, management of medical waste, healthcare facility, strategic plan


Topicality. Effective management of medical waste has become an extremely important component of the healthcare sector in the modern world. Increasing attention to environmental issues, raising awareness of the impact of waste on the environment and human health require a careful and comprehensive approach to their management. To succeed in this area, it is necessary to implement modern technologies and innovative methods in the management of medical waste. Such an approach will ensure safe processing and disposal of waste, reduce negative impacts on the environment and human health, and also reduce waste management costs through process optimization. Objective – studying the advantages of effective management of medical waste. Research methods – theoretical, which involves defining the basic concepts on the research topic; descriptive, which reveals the main aspects of the research direction; analytical, involves analyzing the volumes of medical waste at the Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise "City Hospital 2" of the Rivne City Council. Research results. The article explores the importance of managing medical waste as an important aspect of the healthcare sector. The amount of waste, including medical waste, at the Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise "City Hospital 2" of the Rivne City Council was analyzed. The advantages of managing medical waste are indicated, in particular, they are considered in the following directions: mechanical processing for recycling; processing for energy recovery; reduction of emissions and pollution; economic benefits and job creation; minimization of disease and infection risks; reduction of costs for disposal and processing; raising environmental awareness; innovation development. Based on the research results, a strategic plan for improving the management of medical waste for the Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise "City Hospital 2" of the Rivne City Council is proposed, and such strategic goals as: reducing the amount of generated medical waste, increasing the efficiency of medical waste disposal, ensuring compliance of medical waste management with regulatory requirements and standards are defined. It is determined that this strategic plan helps to more effectively adapt the waste management system, including medical waste, in healthcare facilities.


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