


pelvis, pelvic dislocation, physical rehabilitation, pain syndrome


Topicality. In the modern world, with predominantly sedentary work and limited physical activity. The issue of musculoskeletal disorders is becoming highly relevant. Complaints about back and joint pain rank second (after respiratory diseases) in terms of visits to a doctor and are the most common cause of disability at a young age. The goal of the work is to assess the relevance of the pelvic misalignment problem, analyze domestic and foreign literature sources on the major causes of pelvic misalignment, and identify the main methods of physical therapy for the studied problem. Materials and methods. Back pain is one of the most common complaints among patients seeking medical attention. Approximately one in five people suffer from recurrent back pain. A large number of complaints are about pain in the lower back. It leads to decreased motor activity, reduced working capability, psychological problems, and a lower quality of life. Some of these pains are due to pelvic misalignment or its consequences. The clinic identifies several syndromes, the leading of which is pain. Pain, as the first sign of a problem, causes a number of subconscious acts that compensate for disorders, primarily of the biomechanical order. It is becoming the starting point for the following consequences such as lumbar osteochondrosis, the formation of protrusions and hernias, lumbargia, disorders of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract, coxarthrosis, gonoarthrosis, valgus foot, and impaired innervation of the pelvic organs and leg muscles. Research results. Lumbosacral pain leads to a deterioration in the quality of life, a decrease in physical activity, limitations in lifting heavy objects, sleep disturbances and the appearance of psychological problems. A common cause of the appearance of the above-described condition is a misalignment of the pelvis. Conclusions. Despite the differences between the male and female pelvis, this problem is common to both sexes. Pelvic asymmetry can have various causes, but the main ones include birth trauma, congenital pathologies, imbalance of the muscular corset, musculoskeletal injuries, and physical overstrain in pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, the issue of proper and rapid rehabilitation of such patients and the development of supportive therapy is of great importance in the modern world.


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