


cervicocranialgia, cervical osteochondrosis, physical therapy, platelet-rich plasma injection, kinesiotaping


The goal of the study was to investigate the effects of kinesiotaping, PRP-therapy (platelet-rich plasma injection) and therapeutic exercises on the clinical condition and quality of life (HRQoL) of young people with vertebrogenic cervicocranialgia (CCA) syndrome. Materials and methods. The clinical efficacy of these methods of physical therapy (PT) was evaluated in patients of the main group (MG) – 38 young people with vertebrogenic CCA. The control group (CG) included 30 patients with vertebrogenic CCA of the appropriate age and sex who had drug therapy (NSAIDs and muscle relaxants). Computed tomography and X-ray of cervical spine with functional tests were performed in addition to the routine examination. HRQoL was evaluated by the MOS-SF-36 questionnaire. Pain intensity was assessed by the VAS scale. Research results. In the CG in 5–7 days of observation (after PRP-therapy), a 9.2 mm reduction in pain was found. In the MG, the pain gradation decreased by 5.72 mm, and exceeded the degree of pain in the group with anti-inflammatory drugs (p>0.05). A month later, in the MG, after the addition of kinesiotaping and TE, pain decreased by 32.9 mm (p<0.05), and in the CG, while taking medications, a significant pain reduction by 21.5 mm was noted compared to the initial pain (p<0.05). But the clinical effectiveness of drug therapy was less pronounced than after PT. In 3 months a statistically significant improvement of PT methods effectiveness was found (difference of 11.7 mm (p<0.05) between MG and CG). Conclusions. So, the study found that the applied PT methods can stably reduce the manifestation of cervical pain. The use of PT can improve HRQoL in patients with vertebrogenic CCA by reducing pain, restoring spinal mobility, expanding the movement regimen and active lifestyle. The combined use of KTP, PRP-therapy and therapeutic gymnastics is relevant in optimising the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis manifestations and dysplastic instability of the spine. This can increase the effectiveness and safety of treatment and can be recommended for widespread usage.


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