



chronic nonspecific muscular back pain, dorsalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, physical therapy


The aim is to thoroughly study and analyze the factors of chronic nonspecific back pain, as well as methods of its diagnosis and effective implementation of physical therapy. Materials and methods. To achieve the goals, a theoretical analysis was conducted, including generalization, synthesis, comparison and analysis of the available research results in the modern scientific and methodological literature. Results. According to the results of observations and a review of scientific and methodological literature, chronic nonspecific muscle pain (CNMS) in the back is a complex and widespread health problem that significantly affects the quality of life of many people. Chronic non-specific muscular back pain is a prolonged or regular discomfort that occurs in the muscles of the back and may exist without a specific identifiable pathology or underlying disease that can explain the pain. This condition can cause discomfort, muscle tension, and limit physical activity, having a significant impact on the patient's quality of life. Psychosocial factors play a significant role in affecting a person's functionality, quality of life, and limit their daily activities, which can contribute to reduced productivity and frequent periods of temporary disability. These factors also affect the results of physiotherapy intervention and are important for the prognosis in this population. Despite the large number of studies in this area, many aspects of this problem remain poorly understood and ambiguous. The scientific article is devoted to a review of current research on chronic nonspecific muscle pain in the back. It addresses the issues of pathogenesis, risk factors, diagnostic methods and available physical therapy strategies. The analyzed results of the latest scientific research contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms of pain and contribute to the development of more productive treatments. In addition, the psychosocial aspects of the impact on the development of chronic nonspecific muscle pain in the back are considered. Conclusions. The analysis of scientific and methodological literature confirms that back pain is a common problem that significantly affects the quality of life of patients. The analysis of studies shows that recovery is ensured by properly organized and effective therapy.


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URL:https://health.ua.com/multimedia/userfiles/files/2020/Nevro_3_2020/Nevro_3_2020_st27_30.pdf (дата звернення: 23.10.2023)




