molecular epidemiology, PCR laboratory, nucleic acidAbstract
Topicality. The article highlights the state of research on the problem of using the PCR method for the diagnosis of viral infections. in the surveillance system for viral infectious diseases in the Rivne region for 2007-2022. The purpose of the work: to analyze the structure of molecular genetic research and to study the peculiarities of the application of the PCR method in the surveillance system for viral infectious diseases in the Rivne region for 2007–2022. Materials and methods. Analytical methods of the epidemiological method, descriptive, statistical and graphic methods were used in the work. A retrospective epidemiological analysis of the structure and indicators of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) studies in the system of infectious disease surveillance, including influenza, acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), COVID-19, viral hepatitis A, B and C, viral intestinal infections in the Rivne region for 2007–2022. The results. The results of the study showed that PCR diagnostics at the current stage is an effective tool of molecular epidemiology and plays an important role in the organization of the operational functions of the public health system. Appropriate organization of PCR laboratories and early detection of genetic markers of viral infectious diseases contribute to combating biological threats. Proper organization of the work of the PCR laboratories of the Rivne Regional SES (today the Rivne Regional Center for Health and Welfare of the Ministry of Health) provided timely PCR diagnosis of the influenza A H1N1 pdm09 pandemic on October 29, 2009 in the Rivne region and Ukraine, and the COVID-19 pandemic on March 26, 2020. territories of the region, Conclusions. The proper organization of the work of the PCR laboratories of the Rivne Regional SES (today the "Rivnensky OTSKPH of the Ministry of Health") provided timely PCR diagnosis of the influenza A H1N1 pdm09 pandemic on October 29, 2009 in the Rivne region and Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic – March 26, 2020 in the territory region. During the observation period of 2007-2022, genetic markers of viral infectious diseases were detected in 138,114 sick residents of the Rivne region, among them the highest specific weight of positive individuals was determined in 98.09% (135,475) patients with COVID-19.
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