


rheumatoid arthritis, health assessment, questionnaire, physical therapy programme


Abstract. Relevance. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune, progressive disease that leads to joint deformities and impaired functional capacity, reduced daily activities, which negatively affects the health and quality of life of patients. Patients need long-term treatment and rehabilitation. Therefore, studying patients' opinions on the results of rehabilitation treatment, as well as patients' self-assessment of their health status, is an important issue. Objective of the study. The purpose of our study was to evaluate and analyse the effectiveness of the proposed physical therapy programme for patients with rheumatoid arthritis based on the results of the Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire. Materials and methods. A total of 188 patients with rheumatoid arthritis were examined, with an average age of 44.9±7.6 years. All patients were randomly assigned to the control (n=92) and main (n=96) groups. The Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire was used to assess the health status of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The obtained digital material was processed statistically using the Statistica 10 statistical analysis package (Serial Number: STA999K347150-W). Research results. The total score of the Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire at the beginning of the study in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in the control group was 6.3±0.7 points, in patients in the main group – 6.5±9.5 points, indicating a low self-assessment of health. After 3 months of both standard treatment and physical therapy, the results of self-assessment of health status were found to improve in patients of both groups. However, significantly better changes occurred in patients of the main group compared to the control group. During the repeated examination in 6 months, patients in both groups also showed positive dynamics of health improvement. At the same time, the total score of the Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire in the main group significantly exceeded that of the control group and became close to normal, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed physical therapy programme for patients in the main group. Conclusions. The developed programme of physical therapy/rehabilitation showed a significantly better effect on the health assessment indicators in the questionnaire, in contrast to the conventional rehabilitation treatment. This was reflected in an improvement in the functional capacity of the joints in performing daily activities of patients in the main group with rheumatoid arthritis, which confirms the effectiveness of the implemented physical therapy programme.


Studenic P, Aletaha D, de Wit M, Stamm TA, Alasti F, Lacaille D, et al. American College of Rheumatology/EULAR Remission Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis: 2022 Revision. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2023 Jan; 75(1): 15–22. PMID: 36274193. DOI: 10.1002/art.42347.

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