


“salt rooms”, regulatory and technical documentation, DBN, DSP, halogenerators


Abstract. Introduction. The specialists of the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, as well as experts of SE “Ukrderzbudekspetyza” and its regional branches experience complete absence of regulatory and technical documentation related to the construction of the “salt rooms” and possess a burning need to develop special sanitary-hygienic requirements for their arrangement that will take into account the ISO, GMP, GLP standards. Project organizations tend to develop the price calculation and specific arrangement of the “salt room”, while all the DBNs, DSPs neglect the need to work out special documentation related to the “salt rooms’” construction. For that reason, it is crucial to lay the foundations of the culture of the “salt rooms” of haloaerosol therapy projection by introducing additions towards the governmental construction norms and sanitary regulations. Materials and methods. The object of current research is the construction materials utilized in development of more than 300 “salt rooms” in Ukraine, Europe, China, Qatar, Vietnam, etc., provided by “VEDIS” LLC (Lutsk) that is engaged in construction of the “salt rooms” and evaluation of the therapeutic factors of haloaerosol therapy. The air saturation with NaCl aerosol within the “salt rooms”, and within the body of patients accordingly, is conducted using a halogenerator. Results. Hygienic and sanitary-epidemiological assessment of the materials utilized in construction of the “salt rooms” revealed a number of disadvantages, which could be avoided in case of presence of DBN and SanPIN sanitary, hygienic and environmental requirements worked out using the international standards. Special proposals were developed to deal with existing disadvantages and contribute towards the advancement of arrangement and operation of the “salt room” of haloaerosol therapy.


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