


emotional states, somatic diseases, anxiety, frustration, aggressiveness, rigidity, types of emotional response


Abstract. The problem of mental response of patients during their illness has been a concern of doctors and psychologists since ancient times, who accompany and support such persons at the stage of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, etc. In the conditions of the war, the risks of various socially dangerous and somatic diseases increase. The purpose of the study: to investigate the features of the emotional states of patients with various somatic diseases. Materials and methods: theoretical: analysis, synthesis, generalization of literature on the topic; empirical: methods: "Self-assessment of mental states" H. Eysenka, method of diagnosing the type of emotional reaction to the influence of environmental stimuli according to V. Boyko, the author's questionnaire for assessing the condition and characteristics of the patient's disease; mathematical: methods of descriptive statistics. Research results. The article describes the study of the features of the emotional states of patients with various somatic diseases. In particular, the results of the diagnosis of pronounced negative mental states of patients with cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the digestive and respiratory organs are presented. The types of emotional response of patients with these diseases to negative, positive and ambivalent environmental stimuli are described. Discrepancies in the emotional states of patients with cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory diseases were analyzed. Based on the results of the study, a profile of emotional states of patients with various somatic diseases was developed. It was determined that individuals with cardiovascular diseases are characterized by a high level of rigidity and anxiety, a refractory type of response to ambivalent environmental stimuli; the patients with diseases of the digestive organs are characterized by a high level of rigidity and anxiety, a refractory type of response to positive environmental stimuli; the patients with diseases of the respiratory organs – also mostly with a high level of rigidity and anxiety, a refractory type of response to positive environmental stimuli.


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