rheumatoid arthritis, rehabilitation approaches, physical therapy, therapeutic exercisesAbstract
Abstract. The purpose of the paper was to analysis of rehabilitation approaches in the rehabilitation treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Materials and methods. A systematic search of scientific sources, theoretical analysis, synthesis, and their generalisation were carried out to study modern approaches to the use of physical therapy/rehabilitation for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Research results. Today, it is an urgent task to study modern approaches to the use of physical therapy/rehabilitation for the rehabilitation treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in order to identify the most effective methods that have proper scientific support and practical implementation. The aim of the study is to search for modern innovative trends in the treatment of RA and scientifically proven rehabilitation approaches and their use in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis to identify effective methods in accordance with international best practices in this area. The article analyses rehabilitation approaches used in the rehabilitation treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The use of therapeutic exercises, massage, orthotics, hydrotherapy and physiotherapy aimed at preventing the occurrence of functional deficiency and progression of deformities, preserving the scope of daily living activities, the ability to self-care, professional activity and improving the quality of life of patients with rheumatoid arthritis is considered. Summarising the data from scientific and methodological sources and the practical experience of various scientists, we can state that properly selected rehabilitation measures, taking into account an integrated and individual approach, contribute to the onset of long-term and stable remission, restoration of function in the affected joints, improvement of physical and mental condition and quality of life of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Based on the analysis of literature sources, conclusions are drawn about the need for innovative trends in the rehabilitation approach to the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and the need for further research to improve methods and confirm their effectiveness. Conclusions. To date, all evidence-based physical therapy/rehabilitation methods for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis are based on the use of special therapeutic exercises, therapeutic massage, orthotics and physiotherapy. An individual and comprehensive approach to rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis is important and further research is needed to improve methods and confirm their effectiveness.
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