


viral hepatitis, incidence, prevalence of the disease


The article is devoted to the state of research of the problem of the spread of viral hepatitis A, B and C by foreign and domestic scientists. The incidence rates of viral hepatitis A, B and C in the Ostroh territorial community were analyzed. The results of the analysis can be used in practice, in further scientific research, to forecast and model the level of morbidity. Topicality. Viral hepatitis A, B, C remain an extremely important medical, social and economic problem for modern society. The article is devoted to the state of research of the problem of the spread of viral hepatitis A, B and C by foreign and domestic scientists. The goal of the work is to analyze the structure and study the features of the spread of Viral hepatitis A, B, C among the population of Ostroh district during 2017–2022. Materials and methods. Analytical techniques of the epidemiological method, descriptive, statistical and graphic methods were used in the work. A retrospective epidemiological analysis of the incidence of Viral hepatitis A, B, C in the population of Ostroh district for 2017–2022 was carried out. Statistical reporting data were used for the work (form of state statistical reporting No. 40-health. Report on the work of the Rivne Regional Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, Rivne Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Rivne Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine), state statistical reporting form № 1 “Report on individual infections andparasitic diseases” (monthly); № 2 “Report on individual infections and parasitic diseases” (annual) of the Ostroh interdistrict department of the “Rivnensky OLC of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”. Research results. The incidence rates of viral hepatitis A, B and C in the Ostroh territorial community were analyzed. After conducting an analysis of the incidence of viral hepatitis A, B, C in the territory of Ostroh district during the years 2017–2022, it was established the increased activity of the epidemic process of hepatitis A, it was established that the number of people who are on dispensary registration with chronic HBV and HCV, respectively, is 21.5 and 42 .5 times the number of newly registered patients with chronic HBV and HCV, it was determined that there is a need to improve work on early detection of HBV and HV and to improve the accounting system for acute and chronic HBV and HCV patients. Conclusions. It was established that the increased activity of the epidemic process of hepatitis A was observed in the territory of Ostroh District during 2017–2022, the number of persons who are on dispensary registration with chronic HBV and HСV, respectively, is 21.5 and 42.5 times higher than the number of newly registered patients with chronic HBV and HСV, it is necessary to improve work on the early detection of HBV and HCV and to improve the system of accounting for acute and chronic patients with HBV and HCV. The results of the analysis can be used in practice, in further scientific research, to forecast and model the level of morbidity.


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