depression, conflicts, social behavior, hospital anxiety scale, needs, values, forms of processing conflicts, autonomyAbstract
The article examines the concept and features of the manifestation of intrapersonal conflicts, highlights the main approaches to understanding depression and its symptoms. An empirical study of the psychological features of intrapersonal conflicts in depressed patients was conducted and described, and it was determined that a greater proportion of the studied persons with moderate and subclinically expressed anxiety and depression are characterized by intrapersonal conflicts regarding autonomy, conflicts between the needs for dominance and submission, regarding the process of achieving a goal, and regarding social behavior , regarding sexual behavior and a person’s life in general, as well as conflicts between the level of demands and the level of achievement. It has been studied that the dominant share of people with pronounced moderate depression has a conflict between the pronounced need to express themselves and the lack of positive efforts; between a strong need to be a complete man (woman) and the presence of emotional and sexual failures, as well as other conflicts related to values, needs, motives, etc.
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