old age, physical therapy, back painAbstract
Topicality. Back pain is a prevalent issue worldwide, with 60–80% of individuals reporting it regardless of age, as per the World Health Organization (WHO). In developed countries, it is deemed a pandemic and a significant contributor to healthcare expenses. The elderly population is the most affected by this problem. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how physical therapy affects the functional condition of individuals who suffer from back pain. Materials and methods. In order to achieve the goal, we utilized several methods including analyzing scientific and methodological literature, utilizing the method of variational statistics, and utilizing various clinical assessment tools. Research results. Elderly patients complaining of back pain underwent a physical therapy program that included kinesiotherapy, hydrokinesitherapy, massage, and kinesiotaping. The rehabilitation measures led to significant improvements in the VAS, Barthel scale, geriatric depression scale, COVS, and 10-meter walking test (p=<0.001). Furthermore, analysis of MMT data showed increased tone and strength in the quadratus lumborum muscle, rectus abdominis muscle, and iliopsoas muscle. Conclusions. Following a physical therapy program for elderly patients, improvements were observed in various areas such as reduced pain intensity, enhanced psycho-emotional state, increased muscle tone and strength, and improved activity level and independence in daily life.
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