


ecological awareness, ecocentrism, self-awareness of the individual, youth, eco-oriented approach, sustainable development


For a long period of time, nature and its resources were considered as a means of influencing people. With the development of scientific and technological progress, mankind gradually increased its influence on nature, extracting and using its resources for its own purposes. As a result, by the beginning of the 21st century, human activity has depleted and exhausted the planet's resources to such a state that the ability of future generations to meet their needs is seriously threatened. This situation led to the development of theoretical and empirical research in various scientific areas on the issues of ecological culture, consciousness, smart consumption and sustainable development. The paper provides a theoretical analysis of the concept of «ecological consciousness» through the prism of various scientific approaches. The structure, components of the phenomenon of ecological consciousness, as well as the psychological and pedagogical conditions of its formation are defined. The author's definition of ecological consciousness has been formed. It has been proven that environmental awareness is a complex and multi-component phenomenon. It includes: a system of knowledge about the environment, its condition, methods of preservation and improvement; cognitive processes involved in the system of «human-environment» relationships; the self-awareness of the individual, which manifests itself in an emotional, volitional and cognitive form. In a broad sense, the structure of eco-consciousness refers to: the limit of ecological ideas, attitude to objects of nature, attitudes, direction of the individual's activity. It was found that the main components of environmental consciousness include cognitive (characterizes the mental reflection of the intrapersonal and natural environment), connotative (expresses self-regulation and strategies of human behavior in the surrounding environment), and emotional (determines the attitude of the individual to the environment) component.


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