risks, danger, vibration, noise, dust, psycho-emotional stress, radiationAbstract
During the professional activity in particularly dangerous conditions, a person is exposed to factors that affect his health and can cause negative consequences in a person’s well-being and self-perception. The study of risk factors, proving their role in the violation of human health, as well as the quantitative characterization of the dependence of harmful effects on the levels of exposure to specific factors allows to assess the real threat to the health of the employee and provides objective grounds for the implementation of preventive measures. Objektiv. The purpose of the study to investigate the health risks of persons working in especially hazardous conditions. Materials and methods: theoretical: analysis, synthesis, generalization of literature on the topic; empirical: methods: «Assessment of the level of satisfaction with the quality of life (N. Vodopyanova)»; «Questionnaire for assessing neuropsychic stability (LVMA named after S. Kirov)»; «well-being, activity, mood (SAN)»; Questionnaire «Factors and risks of influence on the health of workers in the working environment». A number of devices were also used, with the help of which microclimate indicators and factors that form working conditions were studied, among them: a psychometer, sound level meter, anemometer, luxmeter; mathematical: statistical data processing was carried out using the SPSS 20.0 for Windows.2 package. Results. The article analyzes the features of the activities of persons working in especially dangerous conditions (on the example of miners, doctors and firefighters) on the basis of a theoretical analysis and an empirical study. The influence of dangerous working conditions on miners, doctors and firefighters was found out. The risks in the activities of persons working in especially dangerous conditions are identified: for miners it is dust, noise and vibration, for doctors and firefighters it is, first of all, high psycho-emotional stress. In general, it has been established that for such persons the most negative effect in working conditions is exerted by such factors as: high psycho-emotional stress, exposure to toxic chemicals and high temperatures, confined space, lack of oxygen and solar energy. Ways to reduce the impact of hazardous working conditions for persons working in such conditions are described.
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