vaccine, immunoprophylaxis, immunity, protection, infectious diseasesAbstract
Relevance. Vaccination coverage among preschool children both in Rivne region and Ukraine is now in the doldrums. Consequently, it causes outbreaks of infectious diseases. The purpose of the paper is to study and assess vaccination coverage among preschool children in the Rivne region during 2010–2019 . Materials and methods. The article is based on system-analytical method of analysis (to study regulatory, scientific, methodological, and analytical documents, as follows: articles, report and accounting forms on immunoprophylaxis), statistical, descriptive, and graphical methods, as well as mathematical analysis. Results. Over the last ten years, an epidemically unfavorable situation in terms of vaccine-preventable infections has developed in Ukraine due to a sharp shortfall in prophylactic vaccinations, which resulted in a critical decrease in herd immunity. The analysis of preventive vaccination coverage of preschool children, particularly infants who are considered the most susceptible to infectious diseases, confirms a sharp decline in Ukraine from 2010 to 2017. For some infections, the coverage level was less than 50%, which is a critical indicator. Low rates of preventive vaccination coverage are largely driven by state underfunding for the procurement of biological drugs in Ukraine and improper work of pediatricians and family doctors with parents on the importance of vaccination. The mandatory primary factor for the adequate implementation of prophylactic vaccinations should comprise a perfect legislative and regulatory base and long-term nationwide programs on immunoprophylaxis, which should have 100% state financial support. Conclusions. Vaccination coverage of 95% of the country’s population makes it possible to ensure complete population protection from outbreaks and epidemics of infectious diseases which can be prevented by vaccination. Thus, relevant actions should be taken at all levels to improve the existing situation.
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