osteoporosis, age, physical condition, physical therapy, geriatric examinationAbstract
h osteoporosis and the rationale for the use of physical therapy methods with an individual approach to the treatment of osteoporosis. Materials and methods. The study involved 15 people: 6 men and 9 women aged 56–74 years. Physical therapy involved nordic walking classes were held twice a week for 8 weeks and kinesiotherapy classes were held for 30 minutes 3 times a week for 12 weeks. To study the impact of physical therapy on the indicators of functional independence and quality of life of patients with osteoporosis used: a short series of physical function tests, geriatric depression scale, fracture risk assessment FRAX, EQ-5D, quality questionnaire, dynamometer, Wong–Baker grimace scale, self-assessment of the risk of falling. Results. There was a significant improvement in the psycho-emotional state of patients. There was a statistically significant difference in dynamometry in both men and women before and after the rehabilitation process. There was a positive dynamics of the results of a short battery of tests of physical functioning. Conclusions. The positive effect of physical therapy on reducing pain in muscles and joints, improving coordination, reducing seizures, which were usually at night mainly in the shin.
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