pregnancy, mental states, frustration, aggressiveness, anxiety, rigidity, depression, stressAbstract
The article deals with the manifestations of negative mental states in women during pregnancy. An empirical study of negative mental states in women aged from 18 to 25 during pregnancy is described. The factors that determine anxiety in pregnant women are characterized. It has been established that the mental states of women during pregnancy are characterized by complexity, integrity, multifunctionality and polystructurality. Their occurrence is caused by the peculiarities of the subject-situational interaction of women, which is due to its semantic system and a specific psychological situation, in connection with which anxiety, stress and depression are characteristic. It was found that women (aged 18–25 years) during pregnancy are usually characterized by a high level of frustration and anxiety, an average level of aggressiveness and a high level of rigidity, which indicates an emotionally negatively saturated experience of young people during pregnancy regarding childbearing and childbirth. The article defines and analyzes that pregnant women with moderate and severe depression are characterized by confusion, instability of attention, a sense of helplessness, misunderstanding of simple situations and changes in their mental state. Both groups of women are characterized by such a negative state as anxiety, an incomprehensible feeling of increasing danger, a premonition of a catastrophe, and a tense expectation of a tragic result. Anxiety is accompanied by motor excitement, anxious exclamations, exaggerated expressive acts, etc. Pregnant women with mild depression are characterized by a state of dysphoria.
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