


hydrocinesotherapy, scoliosis, adolescents, physical condition


Relevance. Scoliosis is a severe general progressive disease of the body, in which disorders of the musculoskeletal system and nervous systems are observed. It requires timely and adequate treatment. The task of scientists is to find the optimal ratio of different methods of influence on persons with postural disorders, which are able to stop the development of pathological posture and improve functional status. Therefore, teenagers with initial degrees of scoliosis were recommended a course of hydrocinesotherapy, which included physical exercises in water and on land, dosed swimming, and water games. The goal is to evaluate and investigate the effect of hydrocinesotherapy on the physical condition of adolescents with scoliosis of the I–II degrees. Materials and methods. Girls with initial manifestations of scoliosis (I–II degrees) who were engaged in a special medical group, cervical-thoracic localization (24 people) took part in the study. The research was conducted in the morning from November 2020 to November 2021. Peculiarities of the psycho-emotional state of adolescent girls with scoliosis were studied. Functional capabilities of the locomotors apparatus were tested (spinal tilt tests forward, backward, sideways, back, and abdominal muscle endurance tests), respiratory system, and physical performance according to the Ruffier index. Mathematical processing of the research results was carried out using a statistical package MedStat. Results. On the basis of the conducted research, it was noted that a course of hydrocinesotherapy was recommended for teenagers with initial degrees of scoliosis. The use of hydrocinesotherapy for scoliosis of the I–II degrees made it possible to improve posture in 62.5% of teenagers and to stabilize the process in 25%. After a course of hydrocinesotherapy in adolescents with initial degrees of scoliosis, an improvement in the psycho-emotional state, and a significant increase in the level of functional capabilities of the cardio-respiratory system was noted. Performing physical exercises in the water environment made it possible to increase the mobility of the spine and the strength of the trunk muscles. Conclusions. Conducted studies have shown that the use of hydrocinesotherapy for scoliosis of the I-II degrees in adolescent girls contributes to the improvement of the psycho-emotional state, improvement of the adaptation of the cardiovascular system to physical exertion, an increase in the indicators of external respiration and resistance to hypoxia, and an increase in the level of physical fitness.


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