



exhaustion, depersonalization, reduction of personal achievements, prevention, therapy


Pediatric palliative care for children with non-oncological pathology in Ukraine and the world is characterized by a number of contradictory features. On the one hand, there is constant improvement of the legal framework, expansion of the package of services for children and adolescents of this category. On the other hand, healthcare professionals who work in this field receive a powerful emotional load associated with professional activity. This can lead to a decrease in the quality of the performance of professional duties, the appearance of somatic pathology, lack of motivation in the work process. Burnout is a major problem among healthcare workers, and signs of stress, cognitive-sensory complaints are particularly common among those working in palliative care units. Ways to prevent and overcome this condition require careful study of this problem, systematization of therapeutic measures and study of their effectiveness. The purpose of this study is an estimation of influence of the offered correction psychological measures is on the professional burning down and emotional exhaustion of specialists of pediatric palliative service. Research methods were: monitoring of test results using the “Professional Burnout Test” method by K. Maslach, S. Jackson, their generalization, descriptive statistics. Respondents were 12 research participants – eight physical therapists, two pediatricians, two nurses. The result of this study was the indicators of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of personal achievements. The means of the therapy program for these categories of specialists became their involvement in the implementation of art therapy for children and adolescents who need palliative care, the formation of non-verbal communication, and integrative socialization measures. The results showed that, if at the beginning of the study a low level of professional exhaustion was not observed in anyone, an average level was observed in 7 (58%) respondents, a high level in 5 (42%) participants, then at the end of the study a low level was observed in 9 (75%) of test participants, the average was 3 (25%) participants, and no one had a high level. The offered therapeutic measures can assist to professional development of members of palliative brigade, prophylaxis of syndrome of the professional burning and decline of social депривації children about that take care by the representatives of sphere of health protection. The positive dynamics of indicators of the level of emotional burnout proves that it is necessary to systematically monitor the state of mental health of all participants in pediatric palliative care, to study the effectiveness of various preventive measures and means of therapy for this pathological condition. Structural measures aimed at eliminating the causes of burnout can positively affect the well-being of medical workers.


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