



Therapeutic gymnastics, isometric exercises, immobilization, contracture


Abstract. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of static (isometric) therapeutic gymnastics in the process of complex rehabilitation treatment of patients after prolonged immobilization of a humerus fracture, taking into account the prospects for the earliest possible restoration of the main functions of the upper limb. Materials and methods. The study was conducted in the rehabilitation center, on the basis of practical training of future physical therapists, occupational therapists of Rivne Medical Academy. It involved 20 patients with a humerus fracture with prolonged post-traumatic immobilization. There were 10 wounded people of each sex, approximately the same age and duration of immobilization. Half of them performed static exercises from the first days after the cast was applied (main group), and the other half only after the end of the immobilization period (control group). Two test measurements of the damaged arm were performed: a) goniometry of the elbow joints at the beginning of the experiment and after 20 days of the program of complex physical treatment; b) measurement of muscle strength of the hand using a hand dynamometer at the same time. Results. When comparing the amplitude of movements in the elbow joint and the strength of the muscles of the hand of the damaged limbs, it was found that patients in the main group had advantages both in the starting positions for restoring the functions of the damaged arm and in the process of treatment: at the beginning of the experiment, during goniometry, residual movements in the elbow joint were equal to 60º (40% of the norm); in the control group – 35º (24% of the norm). After 20 days of identical complex treatment, goniometry gave the following results: main group - the amplitude of movements in the main group was 120º (80% of the norm, an increase of 40%): in the control group – 65º (41% of the norm, an increase of 20%). Dynamometry with a hand dynamometer showed that the muscle strength of the hand in the main group at the beginning of the experiment was 27% of the norm; in the control group – 14%. In 20 days after the implementation of the program of complex rehabilitation treatment (including static exercises), the indicators of muscle strength of the hand of the injured arm reached the following values: main group – 65% of the norm (increase by 39%); control group – 36% of the norm (increase by 18%). Conclusion. The use of therapeutic static exercises, starting from the immobilization period, significantly improves the starting positions of restoration of the functions of the injured arm after 20 days of complex postimmobilization treatment.


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