


public health, bachelors, masters, employment


Topicality. The cornerstone of the reform of the national health care system is the development of an effective system of protection/protection of public health at the individual and population level, where personnel policy and personnel support of the industry play a key role. The purpose of the work was to develop proposals for further amendments to the Handbook of Qualification Characteristics of Workers’ Professions Issue 78 «Health Care» and the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated August 3, 2021. № 1614. Materials and methods. Analytical and comparative methods were used to achieve the goal Research results. In the course of the work, a number of problems were identified that need to be solved as soon as possible: in the staff of the regional centers for disease control and prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, there are no positions for a bachelor of public health; for the position of “public health specialist” and “environmental specialist and health”, the regional centers for disease control and prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine do not accept bachelors of public health, although the Order of the Ministry of Economy dated 25.10.2021 № 810-21 «On approval of Amendment № 10 to the national classifier DK 003:2010» in section 4.2. «Professionals», employees with educational qualifications at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education were also added; by order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated August 3, 2021. № 1614 «On the organization of infection prevention and infection control in health care institutions and institutions/institutions providing social services/social protection of the population» does not provide for the employment of bachelors majoring in «Public Health», who a priori are the main personnel potential for health care facilities. Conclusions. Proposals have been submitted to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine regarding the employment of bachelor’s and master’s graduates in public health.


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