Building integrity in judges: Ukrainian experience and internat ional standards


  • O. P. Herasymchuk Educational and Scientific Institute of Law named after I. Malinovskyi of the National University "Ostroh Academy"



judicial integrity, Bangalore Principles, corruption, judicial reform, legal ethics, anti-corruption culture, professionalism, ethical standards, High Council of Justice, educational initiatives


Building judicial integrity is an important component of developing an effective legal system that promotes the rule of law and enhances public trust in the judiciary. Judicial integrity is defined as a combination of professional and moral qualities that guarantee the performance of duties within the highest ethical standards. In Ukraine, which is implementing judicial reform, this issue is of particular relevance in the context of fighting corruption and increasing transparency. Building the integrity of judges is a multifaceted process that includes a combination of personal qualities, educational programs, public scrutiny and institutional mechanisms. Law schools play an important role in this process, where future judges acquire the necessary knowledge of ethics, anti-corruption practices and professional responsibility. Ukrainian experience and international practices show the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to building integrity through the integration of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Higher education institutions are becoming the basis for the formation of a new generation of judges capable of resolving complex legal and ethical issues in the context of high moral standards. This is an important step towards establishing a transparent, independent and ethically sound judicial system in Ukraine.


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