Application of technical means in the for ensic examination of firearm traces
ballistics, firearms, forensic technology, forensicsAbstract
This article focuses on the current issue of applying modern technical means in the forensic examination of firearm traces. The author analyzes various types of traces on bullets and cartridge cases that are formed as a result of a shot and considers the mechanism of their formation. Particular attention is paid to the use of automated systems, such as BalScan, for scanning and comparing traces. The article also describes the application of various types of microscopes in forensic ballistics. The author concludes that the use of modern technologies significantly increases the efficiency of investigating crimes involving firearms.
Судово-балістичні дослідження : курс лекцій / А. В. Кофанов та ін. Київ : КИЙ, 2010. 196 с.
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