The main directions of the transformation of the proffesional legal culture of lawyers under the influence of modern technologies
legal culture, professional legal awareness, artificial intelligence, human rights, legal valueAbstract
The article analyzes the transformations in the field of professional legal culture of lawyers, which take place under the influence of the use of modern technologies in legal science and practice. It is noted that legal culture as a component of general culture is a dynamic phenomenon. The legal culture of any social group is a sphere quite sensitive to changes in various areas of life. The ability to independently search for legal information, use publicly available templates of legal documents, and share experiences has both positive and negative consequences for citizens. In addition, artificial intelligence and other modern technologies are considered as a factor affecting the formation of the professional culture of lawyers, primarily in connection with a number of legal and ethical issues of their use, which are not properly regulated at the regulatory and legal level. At the same time, even with imperfect regulatory and legal regulation of this area, a high level of legal culture of lawyers can contribute to its self-organization and, accordingly, ensuring the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen. It is emphasized that such a component as legal knowledge does not disappear from the structure of the modern professional legal culture of lawyers, but only the content of such knowledge changes. At the same time, the use of technology in legal science and practice also shifts the emphasis in the field of value-legal orientations, legal beliefs and attitudes of lawyers. In particular, such principles of legal activity as justice, humanity, confidentiality, integrity and, in fact, all the others that underlie the worldview of a professional lawyer need a new understanding. It is argued that the primary task of the legal community is the formation of new legal values, principles and guidelines in the professional legal culture, which, along with the rules of law, will ensure the rule of law, justice and humanism in the transformed jurisprudence. according to the latest technologies.
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