Implementation of the model statute of the territorial community as an tool for regulating the activities of local government bodies in Ukraine
problems of municipal law, local self-government bodies, territorial community, territorial community charter, decentralizationAbstract
The charter of the territorial community plays a key role in the activities of local self-government bodies, as it is the main local normative legal act of the community, which establishes rules, norms and procedures that must be followed by management bodies, which provides legal certainty and stability in their work. The charter defines the structure of local self-government bodies, their powers, interaction between them, as well as the procedure for the formation and functioning of executive bodies. This allows for effective organization of work at the local level. The statute outlines the forms and mechanisms of interaction between local self-government bodies and community residents, which includes issues of citizen participation in decision-making, access to information, the possibility of holding local referendums and other forms of direct democracy. The charter may prescribe the basic principles of the formation and use of the community budget, which allows local self-government bodies to plan financial activities and ensure the rational use of resources, as well as provide for procedures for monitoring the activities of local self-government bodies, including reporting to the community, audit, and other accountability mechanisms. Thus, the charter of a territorial community is a basic document that regulates the activities of local self-government bodies, provides a legal basis for their work, and also establishes mechanisms for interaction with the community, ensuring a balance between the authorities and the population. The scientific article analyzes the current legislation and determines the need to standardize the statutes of territorial communities in Ukraine. The article examines the experience of other countries in the field of standardization of municipal statutes. The article discusses the problems arising in connection with the absence of a standard charter and their impact on the functioning of territorial communities. The article highlights the advantages of introducing a model charter to ensure the unity and stability of local government. The article also considers proposals for improving the legislation with the aim of introducing a model charter of territorial communities. In general, the article argues the importance of standardization and its influence on the development of local self-government in Ukraine.
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