The practice of implementing the legislation of Ukraine on ensuring healthy and safe living conditions
legislation, health care, life safety, environmental standards, law enforcement practice, monitoring, legal regulation, ConstitutionAbstract
The article analyzes the implementation of Ukrainian legislation to ensure healthy and safe living conditions for citizens, with a focus on health and environmental safety. A review of key laws, such as the Constitution of Ukraine, which proclaims human life and health to be the highest social value, the Civil Protection Code of Ukraine, which defines the legal framework for protecting the population from emergencies, and the Law of Ukraine “On Environmental Protection”, is a key element of the study. Particular attention is paid to the Law of Ukraine “On the Public Health System” adopted in 2023, which meets the current healthcare challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic. The article also discusses the problems associated with the implementation of the legislation, such as the insufficient quality of the evidence base, which makes it difficult to bring violators to justice, and the low efficiency of monitoring and control. The author points out the need to adapt national legislation to European standards and international agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, with an emphasis on harmonizing Ukrainian regulations with EU directives. Special attention is paid to cooperation with international organizations, such as the World Health Organization, to integrate global standards. The author offers recommendations for improving the legal framework and enhancing the effectiveness of law enforcement, including expanding the powers of state bodies, improving data collection and analysis, professional development of specialists, and developing the institution of public control. The author emphasizes the importance of increasing the transparency of state institutions through active involvement of the public in the monitoring and control process. The study is useful for scholars, practitioners, government officials, and those involved in the integration of international experience into national legislation to ensure healthy and safe living conditions in Ukraine.
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