Why did Danylo Romanovych accept the r oyal crown?


  • P. M. Kraliuk National University of Ostroh Academy




Danylo Romanovych, coronation, Galician-Volhynian Chronicle, Golden Horde, Innocent IV, Poland, Lithuania, Mindaugas, Teutonic Order, anti-Tatar coalition


The article explores the historical context and political motives behind Danylo Romanovych’s acceptance of the royal crown as the ruler of the Galicia-Volhynia state in 1253. The author examines the traditional interpretation of the coronation as an attempt to create an anti-Tatar coalition under the aegis of Rome. Based on the “Galician-Volhynian Chronicle,” the key circumstances are analyzed, including Pope Innocent IV’s role, promises of military support, and the involvement of Polish rulers. Special attention is given to Danylo’s interactions with neighboring states – Poland, Hungary, and Lithuania – as well as his relations with the Golden Horde. The article delves into Danylo's diplomatic and military strategies, including the struggle for the Austrian legacy, relations with the Teutonic Order, and tensions with the Lithuanian prince Mindaugas. The author highlights the coronation as a symbol of both political and religious challenges, considering the religious dynamics in the region. The article argues that the coronation was a strategic move by Danylo to weaken dependence on the Golden Horde and assert claims to the unification of all Rus' lands.


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