Methods of detecting handprints in the course of a comprehensive examination (fingerprinting, molecular genetic), aspects of removal and packaging of objects of biological origin


  • A. I. Bordiuk Rivne Scientific Research Expert and Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine



fingerprinting, comprehensive examination, objects of biological origin, forensics


The article discusses modern methods of detection and removal of handprints in the course of a comprehensive examination combining fingerprint and molecular genetic analysis. Comprehensive examinations are one of the most powerful tools in forensic science for identifying individuals, allowing to obtain both fingerprint data (fingerprints) and genetic material (DNA) that can be used to identify suspects or victims of crimes. Particular attention is paid to the methods of extracting biological objects and the importance of proper packaging to preserve evidence, which prevents damage or contamination. The application of such methods as fingerprinting powders, ruthenium tetrachloride and laser luminescence are considered. Aspects of the use of molecular genetic methods, in particular PCR, for the analysis of biological materials are also covered. The conclusions emphasize the importance of an integrated approach that ensures the accuracy and reliability of the evidence base in criminal investigations.


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